Thanksgiving for a Different Kind of Harvest

Here at Kentucky Green Grass we are thankful for a harvest of another kind, thankful for growth, opportunities and reaching more of our community!

Putting our ingenuity to the test, this year's harvest was about trying new tools and methods to preserve as much material as we can so our processor can turn this plant into a liquid life saver. 

Thank you so much for the hundreds of likes, the sharing of your personal stories to let others know what CBD has done for you... Thank you for trusting us to grow the best genetics and process the most clean, local CBD oil available 


  • Aaron, thanks for reaching out! Of course we offer consultations and we can schedule an hour or so to go over your particular situation and give our opinion on some of the more pressing questions you have in mind :) Click the link below to set up a time with us!

    Kentucky Green Grass
  • Hi, I have been interested in growing hemp for either medical or industrial uses. I live in Owingsville Ky. And for someone wanting to get a start in the hemp industry. But just a smaller operation like 3-5 acres. Do you have any advice? Iv done some research and I know I don’t know everything, but any advice would help thanks.

    Aaron Coyle

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